The Sony NEX 5N has proved to be a great compact system camera and a hot seller as it can be seen by Amazon top selling compact system cameras.

Sony NEX F5 Release Date

According to trusted sources Sony is going to launch an improved version of the Sony NEX 5N this upcoming summer. It will be named NEX F5 and as you may already know already know Sony is releasing the  NEX F3 on the 17th of May.

Sony NEX F5 rumor
Sony NEX F5 rumor

Sony NEX F5 Specifications

No specs are yet available on the Sony NEX F5 but for sure there will be numerous changes and improvements in all fields of the camera as for example image quality, video quality, screen, usability etc.

Currently a $50 USD instant rebate is available on the NEX 5N at Amazon. Also the super 50mm f/1.8 zoom lens is also available at Amazon.

More news or informations on the release and specs of the NEX F5  compact system camera will be published as soon as available.

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